Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Kumbh Mla 2015-Sahi snan Bathing Facilities

Kumbh Latest News 3-3-2015
KumbhMela Nashik is held once in 12 years. This time as the area for bathing is narrow more bathing Ghats have been made.Generally the crowd is obediant and doesn't require sepeate bathing sections for male and female.The Sahi snan will be held at two places viz., Triambakeshwar and Nashik which are close by.the Bathing Ghats will be at a length of 600meters approximatly in 4 locations.
As far as the trasportation is concerned no private vehicles will be allowed inside the area earmarked ie., 3km minimum to the city.Sources say a minimum of 8 to 15km ourskirts will be the limit for outside parking and public can avail local trasport from there that also will end 4to 5km away from the main area.This is a usual practice at all thge places during Kumbh.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Sahi Snan New Route 9-1-2015

Kumbh Mela 2015 New Sahi Snan Route : Saadhus agreed for the third route for the Sahi Snan. The earlier route via Shanti Marg  led to a stamped in  2003. It was in fact a tough task for the Officials to convince them for this sources said...how ever its New route now  and New Springs now for the Kumbh Mela 2015 at Nashik

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Kumbh Mela - 2015 Latest News

Nashik Kumbhmela 2015 : Nashik Ojhar Airport works are underway and expected to commence from Feb end for the Public. During the Last Kumbh Mela at Allahabad, the State Gov’t made elaborate Hele arrangement whether or not for Public but for Video and Ariel view for foreign visitors and officials...on the otherhand the whether forecat at Nashik to day will be 26 degrees and similar will be during Kumbh days also.

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Latest news on

Kumbhmela 2015 : One of the Main Bridge Indraprastha is temperoraly become unusable to the commuters for various other developemental activites at he Kumbh Area. according to sources the activites are in full swing at Nashik...

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Kumbh Mela - 2015 Triambhakeshwar

"Lord Triambhakeswar ji Maharaj" : This Entire Kumbh at Nashik is will have Sri Triambhakeshwar As it's  center of Attraction. It is one of the Jyothir Ling out of the Twelve.what is Jyothir Ling. Unlike the other Ling we see at the Prathista Roop, these are "Swayam." Which means "On it's own". In the Man made Prathista, there will be two portion as "Yoni" and "ling "on which the Top portion will be fixed. Where as in this Jyothir  Ling this need not be fixed at all. We can pray him in his true Swaroop. Triambhakeshwar is situated 35kms from the Main Nashik Town. This is also called as the source of “MAA Godhavri.” Shiva blessed “Gautham Rishi” on his Penance at this place.

Kumbh Mela - 2015 Latest update 7/1/2015

What if knowledge Mingles with Spirituality?  
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology research students are going to conduct survey for better management of facilities alomg with Ramesh  an Entrepreneur and Sunil will identify few areas and suggest ideas. Similarly This initiative is being viewed by many as a better and appriciatable one. While on the other side, the Highcourt is questioni ng the center as to why they need three more months to review the budjet allocation. we all remember some time back for infrastructure the Akkaada Pariksaht was giving one month deadline for infrastucture completion. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Kumbh Mela 2015 - latest update 05-01-2015

Latest Update on Kumbh Mela 2015 (05-01-2015)
Is Kumbh Mela 2015 going to create an Environmental disaster? Is the question on many Minds. This is simply because of the developmental activities that are currently taking place and going to take place  at Nashik. Simply Trees worth thousands in numbers will be cut for road widening and several other eco unfriendly activities might take place during these days. According to sources the common Society are not at all happy on these and requesting for an alternate plan, as they are more than 100 year old Trees. Whether or not in the days to come, to enhance the current facility it is mandatory for the Nashik development authorities to do such act the other side also feels. Come what may KumbhMela 2015 is going to happen shortly.