Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Kumbh Mela 2015 : Latest news as on 30-12-2014

Latest news on the Nashik Kumbh Mela 2015. The Nashik Kumba Mela 2015 information cell will be headed by the Additional Collector. The intended place will be the collectroate at an estimate of 30Lk INR. This temporary location will be for 2 years.post admin approval the plan is to build in 15 days time.
The Nashik collecter mentioned that this place will be opposite to the collectorate which is the place of SBI.Mostly this arragement will ease the technical lay for approvals as the entire team of higher officals will be there to coordinate according to the sources.
on the other hand the sanction of the funds for kumbh likely take place after the formation of the new setup was approximatly  close to 2.5000 crs INR.
The WRD is to construct 1,830 metres of ghat along both the banks of the river downstream from Ramkund, from Kannamwar Bridge to Dasak, Takli and even in Trimbakeshwar at a cost of Rs 120 crore and other development works at the cost of Rs 49 crore.
as a little time ahead the work on all the sides are on war footing basis.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Kumbh Mela - 2015 At Nashik Sadhus Met on Tuesday


Various Akhadas Sadhus met  on Tuesday at Trimbakeshwar to analyse development projects in the town ahead of next year's Kumbh Mela, and are not happy with the progress.
They have given one moth time to the Govt so as to enable them to proceed with their preperations as there is a little time leftover.the entire area is in shambles and no proper facilities are there. It is going to be a stiff task for the Authorities to finish in time.
According to the Akadas parikshath, they feel the importance is not given for this mega event by the concerned authorities.There is an estimated turnout of over 10 crores of public over all for the entire period. Consideing this they are also trying to meet the C.M. The flag hoisting for the Simhastha Kumbh Mela is to be held on July 14, 2015 and the set deadline was 31st March.
Unlike other Kumbhs, this time only one day gap for the 3 Snans....So every possibility of a crowd stagnation. As already the bookings are full every where, it is going to be a real tough time for every one. Sanitation, Facilites every thing is going to be an issue at Nashik. sources say the sadhus are aniod with the center too for taking less interest.
The projects proposed in Trimbakeshwar largely include laying of drinking water supply pipeline (Rs 2 crore) direct drinking water supply pipelines for the akhadas (Rs 1 crore) permanently based in Trimbakeshwar unlike Nashik city where the Akhadas has very small representation during other times. A water filtration plant (Rs 2.50 crore) at Kushawart, where the bathing ceremony of the sadhus will be held during the Kumbh Mela 2015, is also being set up. The sadhus also want concretisation of internal roads and Shahi Marg in Trimbakeshwar (Rs 13.07 crore) and construction of sheds and public toilets at Sadhugram (Rs 3.25 crore) and in the town.
How ever Govt say ther are closly monitoring the situation and hopeful of speedy completion to the fullest satisfaction


Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Kumbh Mela - Route for Sahi Snan to be widened

NASHIK: Around 400  plus owners at Sardar Chowk on the Shahi Marg were issued notices for widening the stretch for the Kumbh mela however, they have opposed the move of the civic and district administrations.During the last Kumbh in 2003, many people were killed in a stampede at Sardar chowk on the Shahi Marg.The survey took place six months ago and was jointly measured by the land acquisition department of the district and civic officials.Existing width of the 3-km Shahi Marg from Tapovan to Ramkund ranges from 4.5m to 6m at different locations as the road is uneven. The route is to be widened to 9m, 12m and 15m depending upon the requirement. property owners, say, "It is being claimed that the stampede took place due to the narrow roads in fact it was due to the administrative mismanagement .An eye witness of the 2003 stampede, they used to stay in Golwada at Sardar Chowk where the stampede happened. they saw it all. they have shifted from the place since then but oppose the civic and the district administrations' move to demolish the structures to widen the road. but many say the route had to be widened for safety purpose. but, the sadhus are not ready to use the alternative Shahi Marg as it passes in front of a crematorium.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Kumbh Mela - 2015 Latestdec14

There is an expectation of over 10 million pilgrims this time according to various predictions. A 10 million over 30 days is a huge throw and going to be a real challenge for the MAHA GOVT. Lot of Big companies are extending helping hand to manage this mega Spiritual event the world is amazingly awaiting for. Food, Space, Place,Water,Transportation what no? every activity is going to fetch a huge revenue for the MAHA Tourism. Need less to mention the center will also do their best for this occasion.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Kumbh Mela 2015 - River Maa Godavari

Maa Godavari

The Godavari river is the second longest river in India, after the river Ganges
(River Ganga).                                    
It starts in Maharashtra and flows for about 1,450 appx kilometres into the
Bay of Bengal via the Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.for merly Andhara Pradesh (AP)

This is considered to be the largest river basin in India. Maa Godavari originates 80 kilometres from the western sea of India (Arabian Sea) in the westeren Ghats.

Pravara, Indravati, Wainganga, Wardha, Pench, Kanhan and Penuganga rivers, delivers huge volumes of water into the river Godavari.Its branches includes rivers like Indravati,  Bindusara , Manjira River,and Sabari..

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Distance,Mode & Fare Chart


Kumbh Mela 2015 - Important Bathing Dates

Important Dates of Nasik Kumbh Mela 2015.

Kumbh Mela 2015 - About Kumbh Places and Years

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Sri Adi Sankara Bagavath Paadhaal

Sri Adhi Shankara Bagawath Paadhaal

DAKSHINA MOORTHY a form of shiva for Gyana, who spreads the Universal Truth not by words but by his silence and "Chin Mudra". About 2600 years ago, when the spiritualisation of the people
greatly reduced, all the Gods and the Rishis went to Kailash and pleaded with Lord Shiva to revive the world. Lord Shiva agreed with their request and informed that he will be born in this world. Lord Brahma, Indra and others also agreed to be born in this world to help Lord Shiva.

In Kerala near Alway (Aluva) a learned brahmin, by the name of Sivaguru, and his wife, Aryambal, spent their life in pooja and in giving alms to poor and in other good deeds. This childless couple went to Trichur and performed puja for 48 days to Lord Vadakkunathan (Lord Shiva) and prayed for a son. Lord Shiva appeared nd blessed their devotion and told them "I am extremely happy with your devotion and you will get what you want. But tell me whether you want a number of dull children or a son who is extremely intelligent, who will live for a short period only. " The couple replied the decision could not be theirs as the Lord knows what is good for them.

Lord Dakshinamurthy, pleased with the reply, was born to Aryambal under the star "Thiruvaithhirai". As the Lord had already promised that he will be born to do good to this world, the child was named Sankara. Sam means prosperity and Karathi means the giver. All the visitors stood in awe at the divinity of the child and said "This is not an ordinary child".

Shankara was brave intelligent and studious.At the age of three, he was given reading and writing. At the age of four, he lost his father. At the age of five, he was initiated in Brahmacharyam i.e., the holy thread ceremony was conducted and he was sent to Gurukul for learning of scriptures. As per the practice the brahmachari has to go from house to house and take alms and submit this to his guru. On a Dwadasi day Sankara happened to go to the house of a very poor lady and asked for the alms. The lady was not having a single grain of rice in her house to give. However she had kept a single Amla fruit for herself as it was a Dwadasi day.(we must know Amla on Dwadasi day is good for health)
She unhesitatingly gave this Amla fruit to Sankara as she could not send a Brahmachari empty handed. Sankara was moved by her selflessness and the poverty of the lady and prayed to Goddess Lakshmi in a beautiful sloka which is called "Kanaka Dhara Stotram". On completion of this stotram, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in person and showered a rain of golden coins on the poor lady's house.

One day, the rishis came and reminded him of his duty to the land in spreading spiritualism. Sankara agreed it was time to become a Sanyasi and go all over the country to kindle religious ferver. One day when Sankara was taking bath, a crocodile caught hold of his leg. Sankara called out to his mother. Aryambal came running and to her horror she found her son in the grip of the crocodile and she cried that she did not know how to help her son. Sri Sankara informed his mother that his life was nearing to an end, but if he became a Sanyasi, he could start a new life as a sannyasi. Thus Sri Sankara obtained permission from his mother to become a sannyasi. ( we must know that situations in life are just reminders of our birth purpose by this.)

Sri Sankara went in the search of a Guru to be formally initiated as a Sannyasi. At the banks of the river Narmada, he found the river gushing forth into floods. By using his powers, he encapsulated the river in his Kamandal (a vessel sannyasi's carry) and released it in the banks of the river. Sri Govinda Bagawathpathar, an ascetic who saw this, marvelled at Sri Sankara dn took him on as a Shishya. Sri Govinda Bagawathpadar taught him various vedas.He also taught about Advaita, the principle that every one in this world is the manifestation of God and that God and Atman are one and the same. He advises Sri Sankara to go out in the world and spread this truth throughout the country.     

Sri Sankara went to Kasi and by that time, he had a lot of disciples. One of them, Sanandhyaya, was drying the clothes of his Guru and suddenly Sri Sankara called him to the other bank of the river as he needed the clothes urgently. Sanandhyaya, little realising that he would drown, starts walking into the river. However, the Grace of his Guru resulted in a lotus materialising wherever he was keeping his foot. When asked as to how did he cross the river, he says that when his Guru calls, he is not to worry about anything. Sri Sankara named him as Padma Padar (lotus feet). ( This is a Siddhi that student attained through his practice and Sri Sankara wanted others to know)

Once, in Kasi, when Sri Sankara was going to the Vishwanath Temple, an "untouchable" blocked him who was accompanied by his wife and 4 dogs. The disciples of Sri Sankara shouted at him to make way, and to keep a distance. The untouchable smiled and said, ""According to your principle of Advaita, which you practice, all the Jivatma are same as God. How do you ask me to go? How am I different from your Paramacharya? What you say is unreasonable. How can I go away from myself?" Sri Sankara realised that it was not an ordinary person and understood that it was Lord Shiva himself who had come along with His consort and the four Vedas. He prostrated before the Lord and sang five slokas called "Manisha Panchakam". Lord Shiva presented himself along with Visalakshi and blessed Sri Sankar.

When Shri Sankara was 16, a very old Brahmin of ill health started arguments with him about Brahmasutra bashyam which Shri Sankara had written. Shri Sankara was astounded by his intelligence and arguments but they continued their discussion. The arguments continued for days together and the more Shri Sankara argued, his ideas crystallised more and more and he understood that the old man was none other than Vyasa Rishi, who was the creator of Brahmasutra. Sri Sankara said that he has done a great disrespect to the sage by entering into an argument. Vyasa Rishi said "I fully agree with your bashyam and I wanted to establish that yours is correct. I bless that you should live another 16 years and you should spread this Advaita throughout the country."

Once there lived a learned person by the name Mandana Mishra in Mahishmati followed the Karma Mimaamsa method of devotion. when Sri Sankara arrived, his house was closed and Mandala Mishra was carrying out some rituals inside. Sri Sankara entered the house by using his powers and entered the house. Mandala Mishra became angry and shouted at Sri Sankara. But Sri Sankara smiled and explained the uselessness of such rituals. However, Mandala Mishra admired the intelligence of Sri Sankara and started discussions with him after completing the rituals. Sri Sankara said that there should be a judge to decide the winner and suggested that Sarasawani, the wife of Mandala Mishra, to be the judge. Sarasawani, who was extremely intelligent and learned, realised that Sri Sankara was none other than Lord Shiva, did not want to declare her husband as the loser. She suggested that both of them should wear a garland of flowers and whichever garland fades first, that person would be the loser. Naturally, Sri Sankara won.

As per the original condition, Mandala Mishra became an ascetic and started to leave the house. Unable to bear the separation, Sarasawani stood transfixed and asked Sri Sankara that according to faith, the husband and wife, even though have two bodies, are spiritually one and she would be incomplete without her husband. Sri sankara was not able to answer this question as he was not in 'Grahasthaashram'Sri Sankara accepted this and started discussion with this lady.Saraswani showered questions like rain and Sri Sankara requested recess for 15 days on such topics which was agreed upon by both.Sri Sankara with his 'Dhristi' spotted a king who was just about to die and transed him self through "Para Kaaya Pravesh" a siddhi of entering in to another body with permissions and after return Sri Sankara gave very beautiful answers and Sarasawani acknowledged him, and followed Sri Sankara and her husband's footsteps.

Sri Sankara reached Srigeri by the banks of holy river Tungabadra. While Sri Sankara and Mandala Mishra were walking, Sarasawani did not move and stood fixed in the sands of Tungabadra. Sri Sankara turned back and realised by his divine powers that Sarasawani did not want to proceed any further and created a seat for her for spreading the Advaita. This seat is today called the Sharada Peetham.This was the first Mutt installed by Sri Sankara, with the direction that all the heads of the Mutts will be called Sankaracharayas and they will have a lineage of Shishyas or disciples.

While Sri Sankara was in Sringeri,by his superior powers realised that, his mother is in death bed, and as per his promise while taking Sanyas,he would be by her side while she breathes her last, he reached Kaladi and paid his last respects to the old lady. Aryambal was happy that her son had come back. Sri Sankara prayed to Lord Venkateswara who appeared in person and blessed Aryambal. Sri Sankara did the last rites for his mother but the people of Kaladi said that a Sanyasi does not have the right to do the last rites, but he did not hear that and carried the body of Aryambal and put her in the pyre himself and lit it.

After this he traveled to many places with his disciples and spread Advaita and established Muths. The important places were as mentioned in the above table.

Sri Adi Sankara has formed Akaadas or Akaaras which means Training place for warriors.

There are 2 varietes of Akaaras
1. Asthra Dhaari
(The one who is with Asthra - Weapons)
2. Saasthra dhaari
( The one who is with Saasthraas - Scripture )

Under this : Mahanirvani, Niranjani, Atal, Avahan, Agni and Ananda Akhara. Today there are three major akhara (Juna, Mahanirvani & Niranjani) and three minor akhara(Atal affiliated with Mahanirvani, Ananda affiliated with Niranjani,&Avahan affiliated with Juna) The small Brahmachari akhara named Agni is also affil- iated with Juna. Each of them will have the above two Divisions Asthra & Saasthra. Incase of any Disagreement over the Leadership of follow they will form a small grop as asubsect of the major group. Though these Spiritual leaders are not taking part in the Govt,they play active role in the Countries activities indirectly.

Sri Sankara Attained Maha Samadhi at the age of 32.
we have to follow his teachings and serve the soceity.
Hara Hara Sankara!!!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Kumbh Mela 2015 - What are Akaraas or Akaadaas?

Sri Adi Sankara has formed Akaadas or Akaaras which means Training place for warriors.

There are 2 varietes of Akaaras
1. Asthra Dhaari
(The one who is with Asthra - Weapons)
2. Saasthra dhaari
( The one who is with Saasthraas - Scripture )

Under this : Mahanirvani, Niranjani, Atal, Avahan, Agni and Ananda Akhara. Today there are three major akhara (Juna, Mahanirvani & Niranjani) and three minor akhara(Atal affiliated with Mahanirvani, Ananda affiliated with Niranjani,&Avahan affiliated with Juna) The small Brahmachari akhara named Agni is also affil- iated with Juna. Each of them will have the above two Divisions Asthra & Saasthra. Incase of any Disagreement over the Leadership of follow they will form a small grop as asubsect of the major group. Though these Spiritual leaders are not taking part in the Govt,they play active role in the Countries activities indirectly.

Sri Sankara Attained Maha Samadhi at the age of 32.
we have to follow his teachings and serve the soceity.
Hara Hara Sankara!!!

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Agoris









Agoris are the Fearless people and messengers of God (Shiva) Agoris have a very solid historical backing originates from the 'Mahabaratha'
During the war Lord krishna suggested a method of Self Sacrifice in order to win over Gowravaas.
Iravaan or Aravan is a son of Arjuna and Ulupi agrees to that and after his death Lord Krishna praises his bravery and bless his as Agori. (Deathless or Fearless for death)
'Iravaan' in Tamil also means one who never Dies.
Here is the Root chart for your Reference.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Important Places around Nashik

Important places around Nasik

1. Shree Kalaram Mandir

2. Artillary Center

3. Nandur Madhmeswar

4. Triambakeswar Temple

5. Dhammgiri,Lgatpur

6. Saptshrugi Gad -Vani

7. Bhandardara & Kalsubai Peak

8. Veer Savarkar Samarak - Bhag

9. Theertharaj Gajapantha chambar caves

10. Naroshankar Temple

11. Shree Sundernarayan Temple

12. Mukti Dham

13 Shree Godavari-Ramkund

14. Bhakti Dham

15. Shree Kapleswar Mahadev

16. Shree Lakshmi Narayan Temple. Tapovan

17. Shree Someswar Temple,Gangapur

18. Shree Ved Temple

19. Sita Gumpha

20. Dutondya Maruti

21. Pandav Caves (Pandav Lani)

22. Godavari Ghar, Nasik

23. Dadasaheb Phalke Memorial (Smarak)

Kumbh Mela 2015 - Nashik a Review

http://www.maharashtratourism.gov.in/MTDC/index/index.html http://www.maharashtratourism.gov.in/mtdc/HTML/MaharashtraTourism/Default.aspx?strpage=../MaharashtraTourism/CitiestoVisits/Nashik.html

Kumbh Mela 2015 - What Agoris do?


Agoris are the Fearless people and messengers of God (Shiva) Agoris have a very solid historical backing originates from the 'Mahabaratha'
During the war Lord krishna suggested a method of Self Sacrifice in order to win over Gowravaas.
Iravaan or Aravan is a son of Arjuna and Ulupi agrees to that and after his death Lord Krishna praises his bravery and bless his as Agori. (Deathless or Fearless for death)
'Iravaan' in Tamil also means one who never Dies.
Here is the Root chart for your Reference.

They keep chanting Lord Shiva or Vishnu and keep a vigil on the Spiritual activites that takes place in the country. they are the Solders of God. also as per the directions of Guru and God they keep doing their activities, blessing humanity from Sin etc.,They are harmless people and loving and caring in nature. Naturally.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Kumbh Mela 2015

'Kumbh' means 'Pot'
'Mela' means 'Big Festival Event'.
"Kumbh Mela means Festival of Amrita (Nector)"
This is one of the biggest event which is going to take place in Nasik.
Nasik is in the upper part of the western india.
This is a holy town where one among the 12 places of the Jyorthir Linga.
Situated 38kms appx from Nasik, Maa Godhavri orginates here.
The Sinhasta Kumbh Mela held once in 12 years is in Nashik and Trimbakeshwar.
The Bowl of Nector fell in four places and this place is one among those.